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July 14th

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Jesus Manifesto // Broken To Beautiful (9:00am)

Jesus Manifesto // Broken To Beautiful (9:00am)

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Community Guide

Each Sunday that you come together with your Community Group, we encourage you to spend time centering on

God’s presence through worship, learning from the scriptures, praying, and just spending time together. 

Up to date message slides will be available by the following Monday Morning.

TAKEAWAY: ​Our personal stories, no matter how broken, can be redeemed and used by God.​

HEAD CHANGE:  Jesus' genealogy includes unexpected and often overlooked individuals, particularly women with complicated histories.

HEART CHANGE: God's willingness to enter human history through Jesus demonstrates His desire to relate to and save humanity

LIFE CHANGE: The power of Christ's blood to cleanse us from sin and transform our lives


Broken to Beautiful 

We explore the profound significance of Jesus' genealogy in Matthew 1, uncovering how God weaves redemption through flawed human stories. This passage, often overlooked, reveals God's willingness to work through broken people and situations. We see five women mentioned - Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary - each with complex, sometimes scandalous histories. Their inclusion reminds us that God's plan of salvation embraces all, regardless of past mistakes or circumstances. This genealogy connects Jesus to key promises in Scripture - the Abrahamic, Davidic, and Messianic - showing how He fulfills God's grand plan. We're challenged to see our own stories, however marred, as part of God's redemptive work, finding hope in a Savior who entered our messy world to bring salvation.


  1. How might acknowledging the imperfect aspects of our family history and lineage impact our understanding of God's redemptive work?

  2. How does the inclusion of women with complex stories in Jesus' lineage speak to God's heart for the marginalized and outcast?

  3. What does it mean for us that Jesus was born into a messy human lineage, and how does this relate to His role as our 'merciful and faithful high priest'?

  4. What role does community play in helping us overcome shame and embrace the redemptive power of our stories?



Lord, thank you for speaking to our hearts today and showing us that you can and will work through us in spite of our brokeness. We ask that you help us to be willing to be open and transparent to those around us about what you’re doing in our lives. Use us to show others your love and mercy. In Jesus' name, Amen.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability.” 

1 Corinthians 10:13

Looking for previous Community Guides? Find them on the Watch page

See you next week!
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