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Community - Life Together
It's in community where belonging, care and growth happen best!

We weren't meant to live life alone which is why living life as a family is our priority. We think Ethos has some of the best people you'll might be surprised how much you grow by just being in community with others. We've always said "we're better together." That's true now more than ever!

Ethos Socials are low-stakes, fun environments that serve as spaces for people to connect with one another. These are ideal community touch points for those who are new to Ethos. The heart of Ethos Socials is to truly meet people where they are!


Be sure to check out our events page to see when we will be hosting our next Ethos Social. 


Our ongoing Ethos small groups provide the opportunity for continual connection with a different level of commitment than our Ethos Communities. Small groups range from study groups to interest-based groups. 


They are easy to join because they are open throughout the year! If you need to transition out of a small group due to life circumstances, they also provide a simple "off" ramp. 


The heart of how we live life together as a family here at Ethos and practice the way of Jesus together in Columbus is through what we call Ethos Communities. 

An Ethos Community is a group of people who are a part of the Ethos family, who make a one-year commitment to gather together around the table with the goal of being formed by Jesus in community. 

(Our vision for family)

Ethos Communities

Patterned after Acts 2:46-47, Ethos Communities allow us to intentionally form our calendars and schedules around the practices of our faith, which are always found in community. It is in these ordinary rhythms of life – over a long obedience in the same direction – that we become more like Jesus. Here are a few distinctives of Ethos Communities: 

  • Ethos Communities involve a one-year commitment of gathering with others on an every-other-week basis. This may not be the right commitment for everyone in every season of life. That's okay! That's why we have our ongoing small groups. 

  • Ethos Communities are designed around the table. We’re leaning into Jesus’ and the early church’s vision of family, so every time they gather, we’re inviting Ethos Communities to eat together, pray for one another, hold honest conversation, and share life together.

  • Ethos Communities are designed to be both relational and formational. Our goal is that Ethos Communities would result in both biblical family and personal formation. We want to be changed as a result of our year of intentional spiritual formation together. 

  • Ethos Communities are designed to lead us in loving all people in Jesus’ name. Our spiritual formation is not for the sake of ourselves. Alongside your Ethos Community, you will have opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus as you exercise servant leadership.

How does change actually happen?

(Adopted from Dallas Willard)

HOLY SPIRIT - The Holy Spirit is in the center because change cannot happen apart from the Holy Spirit, but we also have a part to play.

LEARNING - We grow in knowledge not to puff ourselves up, but to position ourselves to love well.

PRACTICE - We put our learning into practice as we lean into spiritual disciplines. 

COMMUNITY - God has created for us to be with one another and that’s where change happens best. 



Ethos Community Guides incorporate every aspect of our Working Theory of Change as they direct our Ethos Communities' gatherings.

Servant Leadership

The best teams are made up of a bunch of nobodies who love everybody, serve anybody, and don't care about becoming a somebody.

Community - Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

We believe the greatest leadership is service to others. Every leader is a servant first.  From the pulpit to the parking lot, every role looks different but each is of utmost and equal importance. If you are interested in getting involved at Ethos and making a difference, join us for Ethos 101.


Ethos 101-301

Ethos 101-301 guides you to discover your purpose and live the life God created for you. Ethos 101 & 201 are available on demand on our website followed by Ethos 301 in person on a Sunday morning. 

In Ethos 101, you’ll hear the story of Ethos Church from Pastors Jordan and Courtney Smucker, and why Ethos exists. In Ethos 201, you’ll hear the "what" behind Ethos.


We hold Ethos 301 sessions at Ethos + Co at 6:30pm. You’ll get to meet some of the Ethos servant leaders and get connected to the opportunities available at Ethos to help you live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.

Community - Events

Here are some ways you can connect with others from Ethos and

make a difference in the world around you.

Anchor 2


I Love My City

There’s a lot to love about our city. We celebrate the successes of all the individuals, businesses, schools, and community organizations that are contributing to our common good. We’re better together.

I Love My City projects are how we serve our city. To view upcoming and past projects:

We're always updating events & looking for new ways to
love all people in Jesus' name. 
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Check out the Church Center App
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