Below you can see all of our past projects over the years! We will continue to update this page as we complete more projects.

Thanksgiving Meals
Provided & delivered thanksgiving meals, groceries, & prayer to families & individuals in need within our community

School Appreciation Gifts
Assembled gifts and cards for the Olentangy Orange School Staff as a thank you for allowing us to use their space during one of our serving opportunities.

Senior Valentines
Made flower bouquets, decorated cookies, and assembling valentines for senior living facility residents and staff.

Kindness Club Meal Packing
Partnered with Olentangy Arrowhead Elementary “Kindness Club” to pack meals for families in need through @lifelinecm

School Supplies Giveaway
Assembled and delivered school supplies to families in our school district.

Fall Block Party
Hosted a fun-packed, fall-themed party for a local neighborhood.

MaryLyn Safehouse
Transformed the landscape of a safehouse where people will find rest and healing.

Bed Brigade
Partnering with a local organization to build and assemble beds for those in need.

Care Packages for Fire Stations
Creating, assembling, and delivering care packages to fire stations in our community.

Thanksgiving Baskets
Collected and delivered Thanksgiving baskets to families in our city.

Mommies Matter
Hosted a baby shower to celebrate new life and provide some material needs.

Disaster Relief Buckets
Packed disaster relief buckets to be distributed by Helping His Hands.

Block Party & Toy Drive
Hosted a Block Party to create a fun and memorable event for foster families & children, which consisted of food, inflatables, face painting, balloon animals, yard games, and a toy drive.

Ethos U Homeless Cookout
Made food, assembled sacked lunches, and distributed them to our neighbors downtown.

I Love My City @ Home
Invested over 160 hours to share the love of Jesus through writing cards of encouragement, donating clothing and groceries, dropping off baked goods and so much more.

Dream Center Grocery Give
Packed groceries and served meals in partnership with the Columbus Dream Center.

Summer On Wheels
Hosting a fun filled day for foster families, which included inflatables, face painting, balloon animals, food trucks and free bikes for the kids to take home.

Dinner On Us
Supplying and delivering ingredients to make a home cooked meal to the doorsteps of an apartment complex.

Alum Creek Outreach
Passing out popsicles and creating conversation with those spending time at Alum Creek.

Hygiene Bags/Tie Blankets
Assembled care bags and tie blankets to be shipped to those in need through local and global agencies.

Egg-stra Special Easter Egg Hunt
Hosted an Easter celebration for children with special needs.

Walk for Mental Health
A family fun walk to raise money for Mental Health.

Oil Changes for Single Parents
Provided free oil changes to people in our backyard.

Laundry Love
Paid for the laundry for those in our community. A simple gesture that makes individuals feel seen and loved.

Nurse Care Packages
Delivered 166 care packages to nurses serving on the frontlines at the James Medical Center.

Easter Basket Giveaway
Partnered with Olentangy Schools to gift Easter baskets to families in need.

Gas + Grocery Giveaway
Performing small acts of kindness by distributing Kroger gift cards to those shopping or getting gas.

Holiday Wish +
One Warm Coat Drive
Collecting and donating toys and clothes to two amazing organizations during the holiday season.