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At Ethos, prayer is our first response, not our last resort.

We see throughout Scripture that Jesus prioritized prayer with His Father and that He invites us to do the same. God isn’t interested in us practicing religion; instead, He desires a relationship with us. And God loves for us to talk with Him.

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart - Colossians 4:2

Prayer Gatherings

On the second Tuesday of every month, we host our Ethos Prayer Gatherings at 7pm at our Bale Kenyon location (6861 Bale Kenyon Rd). 


Whenever you find yourself on your spiritual formation journey, our Prayer Gatherings are spaces for you to connect with God personally and as a community, an opportunity for us to be united in prayer as we ask God to move in our community, city, and world.

“Don’t despise your small prayer gatherings…every major revival has its origins with a small band of intercessors faithfully crying out! Small gatherings precede big breakthroughs! When we gather to worship and pray, regardless of size, we convene the very court of heaven and earth. Our prayer gatherings are the most important and powerful gatherings in our city”
- David Fritch
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